ESA(C) is chargeable to tax as social security income.
Under the old program, areas were designated solely on the number of people receiving public assistance and supplemental security income within a community board's district.
And it was all she could afford on her social security income and the $93.57 she got every month from the law firm's pension plan.
She could no longer survive on her social security income so magazines wrote about her and readers sent her money for assistance.
In 1987, 27,348 people, or 47.2 percent, of the district received income support, public assistance, supplemental security income or Medicaid.
The law will restrict nonemergency benefits like food stamps, supplemental security income and Medicaid to legal residents of Colorado who are 18 or older.
The number of individuals eligible for food stamps but not welfare or federal supplemental security income, a difficult-to-reach population, is up 15 percent so far this year.
Each category is then separated even further by number of children, age of children, yearly salary, social security income, et cetera.
Social security filings related to disability insurance and supplemental security income rose 9% and 6%, respectively.
Household income figures, however, may not accurately reflect the area's wealth as 50.8% of households received social security income and 30.8% were retired.