T'hat's why it was hard for anyone to understand the reason why the Macedonian Army suddenly commenced an artillery barrage against several security outposts west of Struga.
But then African Union forces, soldiers from across Africa who have been dispatched to stop the slaughter, set up a small security outpost of 50 troops here.
More than 100 suspected Jemaah Islamiah militants die during their attacks on security outposts in Thailand's Muslim-dominated southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Songkhla.
Trapped in a security outpost at the gate, Laurie watches as Michael tears through the walls with an axe, but just as he tries to kill her, Laurie wakes up from the dream.
His second in command had been with him on an inspection of the security outposts, and both had seen the warning rounds, then the attack on the boat.
Nevertheless, conditions in dormitories were often very bad, worsened by the mandatory security outposts on the dormitory's entrance, who would disallow any non-dwellers (without proper documents) to the dormitory.
In the first few hours after occupying the bunker, which was an old security outpost protecting the southern part of the base, the Night Stalkers found an emergency escape tunnel, which ran several hundred meters west.
A few days later, the mujahideen completed the encirclement of Urgun, by capturing a security outpost on a mountain to the west of the town.
You have an entire starbase and three security outposts at your administration.
Muslim guerrillas said today that they had captured strategic security outposts and killed more than 200 Afghan troops in their latest attempt to capture the capital, Kabul.