Good security, for example, can prevent losses from conflicts of interest - as when an employee uses company time for another business.
My great confidence in both, and the perfect security in which I felt myself, prevented me from reflecting upon this extraordinary and even alarming request.
But they acknowledged that security on the 1,000-acre hospital grounds might not prevent a patient from simply walking off.
Sudanese security prevented him from visiting a Darfuri tribal leader, leading to a heated exchange.
This 2- or 3-tier security will, in most cases, prevent home invasions and theft.
And they are multiplied by the fact that heightened security prevents you from spontaneously walking in off the street to see the sculpture.
As he later recalled, he regretted the fact that security had prevented him from revealing the details fully.
Israel has renewed a proposal to withdraw its forces from areas of the West Bank where Palestinian security prevents attacks.
But he denied that additional security would have prevented the robbery and murders.
Several lawyers complained that extraordinary security had prevented them from speaking to their clients in private.