He must start implementing security reforms, but we want him to understand he doesn't have much time.
In addition to national security issues, Bush also promoted policies on the economy, health care, education, and social security reform.
In other words, real security reform requires psychological as well as physical training.
The list's main platform is security reforms, establishing the rule of law and respect for human rights.
On 13 December 2012, a law was approved that included far-reaching security reforms.
He later helped promote his party's controversial social security reforms in the 2008 Quebec election.
But the diplomat added, "On the security reforms, it's less clear to me what's happening on the ground."
This leads to the question of targeting, which has concerned the Conservative government in its social security reforms.
Two of the social security reforms proved to be particularly controversial.
The sooner we recognize that, the better intelligence and security reforms will be able to thwart future attacks.