Representing the most prominent American publication, Burns had a particularly hard time with the security thugs who had menaced many journalists at the Palestine.
They resorted to violence, unlike the people in Hama, who have stayed peaceful... and how ironic that the Syrian Government lets an anti-US demonstration proceed freely while their security thugs beat down olive branch-carrying peaceful protesters elsewhere.
Few would have guessed it from looking at her, but after a century of hiding her feelings from Anu's security thugs, her face said exactly what she told it to.
Conrad's only "soldier" time had been as a security thug in the Royal Barnardean Navy, pushing around the miners and 'finers and wranglers of interplanetary space.
Behind them were Mae Kilvennan, Lilian Coates, Expedition Chief of Security Barry Giotto, and six security thugs with Impeller patches on their sleeves.
To lump U.N. inspectors at all with Iraqi security thugs is astonishing.
I turned back to the security thugs.
She lives near the stadium and told me that security thugs often mustered there.
Maybe the Hill's security thugs whis- pered sweet nothings in his ear, like, "Get lost pronto or you'll crawl home with two broken legs."
Fitch, after all, was a well-paid security thug, nothing remotely near the level of CEO of a major company.