Afflicted individuals are also prone to bone dislocation, and those with a sedentary job often report back pain.
People with sedentary jobs, medical conditions that limit their movement, or decreased activity levels can lose muscle tone and develop atrophy.
They work hard, 40 to 60 hours a week in a sedentary job.
He wasn't a small man; he looked strong, fit, probably did a lot of aerobics, athletics, to keep in shape doing a sedentary job.
Most Americans work in sedentary jobs, arriving and leaving via door-to-door transportation.
Rich countries tend to have relatively low food prices and more sedentary jobs than do poor countries, making them fatter on average.
"I converted a completely sedentary job to a mobile one," he said.
Most of them demonstrated amply the problems with having a sedentary job.
To her husband, Peter, it is an antidote to his sedentary job.
Many personnel were former front-line soldiers who had decided to take more sedentary jobs in the later years of their service.