Road construction and poor logging practices, particularly historical, have increased erosion, leading to excessive sediment buildup in the river and its tributaries.
They flourish where the rate of sediment buildup is greater than the rate that the land level is sinking at.
Meanwhile, some of the boats must dock 20 feet from their piers, because of sediment buildup along the canal edges.
Large fires in 1977, 1987, 2002, 2006, and 2008 have greatly increased erosion, causing sediment buildup in the river and its tributaries.
The Carmel River has two dams, with their reservoirs used for drinking water and having severe sediment buildup.
There is concern about that erosion leading to sediment buildup in the reservoirs behind the dams used to generate the country's hydroelectric power.
Water quality in the country's rivers is now very poor because of sediment buildup from erosion, as well as toxic pollution and waste disposal.
Benthic sediment buildup causes biological damage and reduces aquatic biodiversity.
Historical logging practices, particularly widespread clear-cutting, caused severe erosion, which lead to excessive sediment buildup in the river and its tributaries.
The greatest problem for the creek and its tributaries is erosion, which leads to excessive sediment buildup in the streambeds.