They occur where the covering sediments contain a significant amount of clay.
Ice crystals glinted in the sediment contained behind the force field.
Thus, sediments containing bacterial remains tend to contain more light carbon.
However, other stones and sediments interspersed with these contain far greater amounts of radioactivity.
When town officials went to dredge the pond, they learned that the sediments contained unsafe levels of hydrocarbons.
These sediments often contain the footprints of humans and animals (most commonly aurochs) from that period.
The adjective tuffitic is used for sediments containing less than 25% volcanic fragments.
And yet the sediments contain organic material that, under the microscope, looks remarkably similar to coal ash obtained from a modern power plant.
The sediments contain an element, barium, that is incorporated into coral skeletons as they grow.
The Eemian sediments contain fossils indicative of an interglacial environment.