Although referred to as marble, the rock is of purely sedimentary origin.
Deposits of sedimentary origin are less common.
Some areas of sedimentary origin include parts of Mount Barney and eastern Lamington national parks.
It was put in place around 560 million years ago and is overlain by Cambrian rocks of sedimentary origin.
The mountains are characterised by lighter-colored, Jurassic age limestone of sedimentary origin.
Two types of deposits exist; of volcanic and of sedimentary origin.
It was previously thought that only those rocks which have citric acid soluble phosphate and those of sedimentary origin could be used.
And the opposite: pencil-thin towers of packed sand, their sedimentary origins showing in streaks crossing the formation.
The sedimentary origin, age and the carbon content of the rocks have been questioned.
Supracrustal sequences of sedimentary origin are strongly underrepresented and mainly occur along the periphery.