He was arrested and released on bail by the Ugandan government for "being in possession of seditious material and of publishing inflammatory articles".
Singapore is calling for self-policing of the system and has warned that it will take legal action against anyone who uses the Internet to transmit pornographic or seditious material.
In 1919, while jailed for publishing what the British charged as seditious materials and organizing protests, he was elected as the first president of the Khilafat conference.
Those allegedly contained seditious material.
Her first lecture had not drawn much of a crowd, though it should have, given the seditious material she had presented.
Confiscated as "seditious material," they were entrusted to Mrs. Volkova's archive, where they are now viewed as national treasures.
He courted arrest on numerous occasions during the Civil Disobedience movements and smaller occasions of organizing protests and publishing seditious material against the British raj.
This includes the publication of seditious materials, the utterance of seditious words, and the importing of seditious material.
Individuals who published seditious material were punished, and, in 1794, the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus was suspended.