The book contains 24 seduction techniques that manipulate everyone's greatest weakness-the desire for pleasure.
If the story is true, it does show Lewinsky's seduction technique to be as subtle and sophisticated as Clinton's.
Some histrionics change their seduction technique into a more maternal/paternal style as they age.
The third is addressed to women and teaches seduction techniques.
He was too likely to get between her and the door and start practising his pathetic seduction technique.
As the nagual followed the actor, he was able to witness his seduction technique more than once.
Rifkind describes initially struggling with seduction techniques, eventually learning to attract women's interest, and then feeling guilty.
He brings a girl up from the audience and demonstrates the proper seduction techniques.
Gangs will use symbols, either tattoos and graffiti, to create attraction to the potential members as a seduction technique.