That image stuck: the boyish hair, brashness and casually seductive manner.
Alarm at his relentlessly seductive manner, for she suspected he had more in mind than a simple introduction to society.
He uses these fabrics in a seductive manner, never verging on vulgarity.
Her tone and attitude were light-years from the almost seductive manner she had adopted earlier.
Juan has a seductive manner because he never seems anxious to seduce.
I knew before you spoke,' he said in the same kind, seductive manner.
His attitude on the page must echo the seductive manner that worked even better in person.
At the Captain's apartment, she walked into his bedroom and saw the Captain lying on the bed in a seductive manner.
Juan the butler waggled his eyebrows at her in what she assumed was meant to be a seductive manner.
They frequently act in a very sexual or seductive manner in their continual attempt to win people's attention and affection.