The sweet her mouth tightly captured his tongue and she sucked it with a seductive rhythm.
He began to circle her body in a slow, seductive rhythm.
Her hands twined in one intricate position and yet another, moving to the seductive rhythm with a grace of movement he had never witnessed before.
"An Uncertain Hour" has a seductive rhythm.
The muffled words were given a seductive rhythm by the drumming of the rain.
With bold, sweeping strokes, he tasted the hot, honeyed interior with a smooth, seductive rhythm that made reality fall away.
Ruth pressed him closer, unaware of the seductive rhythm her body set under his.
The film begins with a slow, seductive rhythm as both men stalk Candice Bergen.
"Forbidden Scents" begins with soft sweeps giving way to a seductive rhythm where the now characteristic long reverbed piano draws an introductory melody.
What message would be rolling forth in those glittering images, those seductive rhythms?