There is ample opportunity to see alligators along this section of highway.
She can play the tuba and often offers comedic quips such as "See you later, alligators," or "Got to go, penguin toes,".
It was a difficult task for 2 men who had previously seen alligators only in zoos.
Along the way we were hoping to see alligators.
"I hope we see snakes and alligators," Jean said as we drew closer to what had been the Dumas family's country home.
I saw larger alligators a bit farther along, including one seven- to eight-footer.
See you later, alligators.
Riders can see numerous alligators of all sizes, stroll on boardwalks over the marshes, or take a boat ride through the swamp.
Monday we went to see alligators.
She saw alligators and crocodiles swimming in the muddy waters, ever ready to eat black children who would come too close to the river.