He saw in Bobolo a possible ally.
He sees in Spinoza an ally against the feverish culture of the West.
At the very least, Chambers saw in Darwin a much needed ally - one that the former simply could not afford to have against him.
Popitz was not alone in seeing in Himmler a potential ally.
Hoomey saw an ally in Nails, to help him stop them from sending the horses back to the knacker's.
He saw an ally in a position to score and lobbed the ball to him without breaking stride.
He always saw either an ally or an enemy in the author and delivered cut-and-dried judgments, which he expected other people to share.
Economists see an intellectual ally in the Supreme Court nominee.
Mexican society should see in the European Union not just an accusing finger, but instead a loyal ally working with it to avoid conflict.
However, it took them a long time to see an ally in the Poles.