The Government has the energy and the manpower available to go after what it sees as a second-tier organization.
The party sees itself as a "non-right-nor-left organization", while proposing concrete, pragmatic measures to change Peru's economy and society.
We see ourselves as a community-based organization with a commitment to the Brooklyn community.
"They are trying to be seen not just as a labor group but as a professional organization trying to enhance education."
Alcoholics Anonymous would not say whether it saw itself as a religious organization.
Instead of seeing their party as a defensive organization, some wanted Agudat to go on the offensive and were developing an incipient fundamentalism.
They just don't see themselves as an organization that is supposed to be taking care of the needs of a school or its students.
Critics of Alamein Kopu, however, did not see the party as a genuine ideological organization.
Throughout the cold war, the West saw the alliance as a defensive organization, resolute but extremely cautious.
The student union should be seen as a professional organization for students in Sundsvall.