The Republican staff assistants saw as their primary role the protection of the Reagan Presidency.
What do you see as government's proper role, and how would you change policies in a second term to demonstrate true compassion?
But she hated him even more for what she saw as his role in her brothers' deaths.
"I don't see it as the government's role," he said.
An age barrier is not an insurmountable wall and I see it as my role to keep my parents young, a challenge indeed!
Many also see the problems in Bosnia as intractable and their role there, in the end, as futile.
"I just see that as my role," Johnson said.
Health professionals are generally not good at seeking help for themselves, mainly because they see it very much as their role to help others.
If they're quite ordinary-looking girls whose self-esteem needs a constant boost, perhaps he sees it as his role to cheer them on.
Many parents who claim that vaccines gave their children autism are deeply suspicious of what they see as the government's role in their children's illness.