Even as they looked they could see entire constellations becoming distorted.
While gathering more logs from the woodpile on the front porch, I looked up and saw constellations.
To see constellations and planets, get as far away as possible from bright lights, she said.
In her own city, the forest canopy was so thick she had to climb to the top just to see constellations.
Keith could see constellations of yellow warning indicators lighting up on the pilot's panel.
It was a rather clear evening, so that we could look up at the star-studded sky and see constellations from one horizon to the other.
Looking up at night, you'll see strange stars and constellations that are unfamiliar.
A groundling cannot see constellations in space; the visible stars are too many.
I opened my eyes and saw constellations whose names were their own business.
He knew that if night came he would see unthinkable constellations.