But this one, first seen during nighttime hours in Asia, did not streak across the sky for a second or two and disappear.
Mitch, you know I can't see you during working hours.
And there's the bunch--I see enough of them during working hours.
"And also put yourself out into the hall and see me tomorrow during working hours."
The small rabbits in particular are very numerous and can be seen across campus in high numbers, especially during hours of low student traffic.
The documents can be seen in their entirety during regular hours at the university library.
She sees it as a safe refuge for her 12-year-old son, Justin, during after-school hours.
In fact, Dr. Ling does not necessarily see her hospitalized patients during daytime hours.
I think rather that you'd see more transportation during hours you don't want.
A huge crowd can be seen near the Court campus during working hours.