Here you see both truck- and rail-car-mounted mobile factories.
In the West Midlands you saw factories where the roofs had been removed to avoid rates on the empty building.
But we also see factories, modern buildings, cars and what looks like a rush-hour scene, with people huddling together to cross a road.
When we think of jobs, we see factories, secretarial pools, police officers, lawyers.
He is taken to see factories and mines, and waylays people of interest to interview them.
Stage three saw growth and economic independence, larger factories, and more trade, the beginnings of urbanization.
Managers go to see factories in supply chain.
On the production side I see factories and farms, and so forth, that produce at a high rate with lots of labor saving machinery.
Jay saw its mills and factories along the river damaged.
"I have seen many houses flattened, as well as factories on the outskirts of the city."