I don't want to see a smaller number of headlines from a smaller number of sports.
Stunning sunset to be seen from a number of lovely restaurants.
This case saw the testimony from a number of local witnesses called to give evidence, including the parties.
The Pink Vest campaign has seen a publicity contribution from a number of stars over the years, the most recent being Alison King, Coronation Street's Carla Connor.
Within the last decade, this new emphasis on a Transformational Government approach can be seen from a number of developed countries in the following extracts:
Their influence can be seen in items from a number of weaving groups, but more faithful versions are now usually confined to Chinese rugs.
We have seen from a number of recent examples that if the European Union pursues a common, clear and definite line it can be successful.
Hunter Valley Steamfest has seen different locomotives from a number of preservation organisations.
You need to try to see the question from a number of different angles in order to come up with a proper solution.
Frequently seen in the same frame with Hollywood's top stars, her face is often seen onscreen and in movie stills from a number of famous feature films.