A few days later, the taller of the two old men went to see Florentyna in her shop on Fifth Avenue.
I saw the famous photograph of Esther Belkin, on Fifth Avenue.
I thought we'd get out early to see the windows on Fifth Avenue.
"Businesses here are ones you'd see on Fifth Avenue."
The suave look of these men seen on Fifth Avenue last week was not disturbed by the above-90-degree heat.
It's not something they're going to see on Fifth Avenue.
Two wearers seen on Fifth Avenue knotted the ends of their stocking caps to keep from losing each other in the crowds (top right).
I saw a nice apartment on Fifth Avenue and 11th Street, but it was too far away.
Until the late 1950's, women of style wouldn't be seen on Fifth Avenue without dress gloves.
A vibrant kaleidoscope of patterns is being seen on Fifth Avenue.