Additionally, religious believers might not wish to see their beliefs relativized into something that is only "true for them".
To see all Jarrod's beautiful, noble beliefs about Holden shattered before her eyes.
They're also uncomfortable seeing their beliefs challenged on issues that are bound up with their economic welfare, physical safety or religious and moral views.
I liked them both personally and did not see their beliefs as diametrically opposed then or now.
Certainly you can well afford to see your sincere beliefs proven.
Bosch believed Scales was a good man but one who might be too quick to see his beliefs and hopes in someone else, perhaps someone like Meadows.
He'd seen the Urrythans as primitive, seen their beliefs and their legends as naive and destructive.
It wasn't just a study and an understanding of people different from myself, seeing their beliefs, ordering and systems up close.
After all, what was the destruction of an illusion in these days when one saw all one's beliefs shattered, all one's ideals crumbled to dust?
And one, moreover, who has taken to seeing his own beliefs as truth, rather than looking upon the world as it is?