This is manifest by a tendency for individuals to see their identity as inherently linked to relationships with others.
Kelson glared at the men, and they turned their swords away from him when they saw his identity.
They saw men's identity as lodged in work and the ability to earn a 'family wage'.
Davos Men supposedly see their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth.
She is too palpably strong as a woman who sees her very identity erased by the man she loves.
"Better kill me," he said coldly, "or Til see your identity taken!"
What I'm painting now is in the future, so why shouldn't the scope broaden and let me see her identity before it's too late?
When he stopped, a uniformed guard came out to shine a flashlight in John's face, ask his name, and see his identity.
If my theory about the Freelans is correct, then you shall soon see their true identity for yourself.
Unlike the Greeks, the Romans did not see their common identity as being based on language and inherited ethnicity.