I cleaved to the wall, not daring even to try to see my own limbs.
In the space between the fabric and the floor, one could see dancers' limbs crawling and walking.
Through the penumbra of the fireball, Metcalfe saw the man's limbs flailing.
She saw his phantom limbs as if they were real.
See her limbs twisting in ways nature had never intended them to twist.
As she undressed she saw her limbs were rainbowed with bruises from bumping into various bits of furniture.
She was uncoordinated, stumbled frequently, saw her own watery limbs floating away like feelers.
Half in dream she saw its little limbs working, bent knees, chubby little feet.
He nulled the invisibility so he could see her limbs and get her safely out the window.
You could see their limbs or headless bodies being thrown up out of the thrashing crowd.