Several punks, seeing their quarry trying to escape, launched into action.
They saw their quarry striding down the street in the distance, and they set out after him on foot.
He had not passed four windows before he saw his quarry.
Finally, at four miles' distance, he could see his quarry.
The second pair, seeing their quarry escaping, put on a burst of speed and ran after them.
Ahead they saw their quarry flying directly towards a looming wall of thick mist.
Seeing their quarry challenging them, they fired as one.
It was not more than an hour later that she heard hoofbeats on the road, and saw her quarry approaching.
Good lighting, so you were sure of seeing your quarry arriving and leaving.
From behind a parked van, he peered into the restaurant and saw his quarry on a pay phone by the large front window.