For more general information for different types of travellers see the Your trip page of the FCO website.
Some political analysts saw Mr. Bloomberg's recent trip as an effort to strengthen support among Jewish voters.
Once a junior editor saw her trip in the hallway, walked past without offering assistance, and was later told she "did absolutely the right thing."
For more general information for different types of travellers see Your trip.
The next time you log into Tripit, you will see your upcoming trip(s) listed:
Annie saw her trip home quickly slipping away.
Many people in the region see his trip as an effort to bolster ties among Mideast countries that appear to be next in line for American wrath.
The supporting Europe-wide tour saw the band's first trip to the Balkans.
I can even see how it must have happened, your trip at Callahan's, I mean.
Travelers to Bali who see their trip as the perfect opportunity to get that tattoo they've always dreamed of might want to think twice.