Mr. Bozzo remembers one from a woman who suspected that her husband was seeing prostitutes.
Other people see prostitutes as workers, some of which work is less favorable conditions than others but they are still workers.
After several disastrous attempts at dating women, Marcus resorts to seeing prostitutes.
They see prostitutes and drug dealers every day around here.
So Mary told Kelly both things: they're separated, he sees prostitutes.
He pays to see various prostitutes hoping that one of them witnessed the incident.
Feminists saw prostitutes as an obstacle to equality in society, and therefore sought to end state-sanctioned prostitution.
They see drug users and prostitutes and runaways and people without homes or visible means of support.
"My coffee is the best on the block, but people don't like to look out the window and see prostitutes, pimps and pickpockets," she said.
Les began seeing prostitutes on two occasions, despite hesitating.