Within each could be seen machines and other relics of the Buyur era, gleaming like insects caught in amber.
I can't read it, but I've seen enough relics to recognize it.
Upon demobilization, the sculptor visited Mexico to see pre-Columbian relics - hence, perhaps, the heavily stylized watercolor of a nude (1948).
There were a couple of things that I've never seen anywhere since, relics of Victorian engineering.
He explores the ruin, and sees relics of old technology still hang from the ceilings.
Tourists travel to parts of West Virginia and Kentucky each year to see the areas and historic relics which remain from the days of the feud.
You will get to see relics of the headhunting culture,.
I did," said Marius, "as I have seen other relics.
It is possible to see relics of the 19th century gold rush, such as deserted mine shafts and old mining equipment.
Since the beginning of Christianity, individuals have seen relics as a way to come closer to the saints and thus form a closer bond with God.