He saw scientists and thinkers as exploring the unknown, pushing forward their place in the universe.
We might see scientists organizing to assure that the Pursuit of Truth should slow down enough for them to keep up.
One almost expects to see scientists peering into microscopes rather than customers trying on evening gowns.
He developed new ways of seeing scientists in the context of their times by looking at how they interacted with society and each other.
I have just seen scientists literally on their knees in the bunkers praying to this tower.
We both whirled to see several scientists in white lab coats standing inside the doorway.
To go back to the hospital now and see scientists working in our research laboratory is fantastic to see.
He'd seen real scientists in his two years of life as a wandering trader.
They do not see scientists as change agents.
"We tend to have this gap, an inability to see scientists as ordinary people."