Some were just names, others he saw instantly and vividly.
Then there are the hardworking, decent people of this city who see vividly, every day, the gross dimension of crime and violence on the streets.
Nicole could vividly see all the muscles in her powerful shoulders and read the expression on her face.
By watching them try to escape, he writes, "we see vividly the obstacles they have to cross."
People from Texas to Montana called the police or the news media, saying they saw vividly colored streaks of blue, red and other hues.
She could see vividly that Covenant needed help.
I could vividly see Andrea as she had been that night, clasping the locket around her neck, choking back tears.
Catti-brie didn't see the fatal cut, but she saw vividly the bright line of blood that appeared across Grollo's throat.
I could still vividly see the large red barn and two small corrals.
"And I can vividly see you tumbling down," Chris said.