Did you ever see a horse with such a wall-eyed expression as he's got?
When he turned back, it was to see Heather's face with a particularly intense expression, and he immediately knew what she was thinking.
Glenn turned to see Foley, still with a mild expression, almost smiling.
He turned to see an Enterprise security officer with a harried expression on his young face.
The only time Janet saw her with a serious expression was when she studied psychiatric profiles.
He'd never thought he'd see Woetjans with a shocked expression; but he knew exactly how she felt.
From the vantage point of outside the window you could see her talking brightly to a neighbor-brightly but with a strained expression.
But when she looked up, she saw the soldier with a stupefied expression on his face.
She looked up in surprise to see Jason with an unusually serious expression on his face.
That was a disconcerting thing, seeing a divine Lord with such an expression.