He can only see two minutes ahead, with the exception of a vision he once had of a woman walking into a diner.
Karachi has seen record-breaking rainfalls during monsoon season since 2003 with the exception of 2004 and 2005.
"Siberia I only saw from the window of a prison convoy car, with the exception of one short moment," he said.
He showed the gentlemen all there was to see, with the exception of the Secret Annex.
The Accord saw very few other changes for 1995 with the exception of a few different exterior and interior color combinations.
In reality the children have not seen their mother since the shooting, with the exception of the surviving daughter's court appearance.
It showed darker than any dust he had ever seen, with the exception of Carmack's.
On checking through the major items he found everything there in which he had seen her, with the exception of a grey coat and skirt.
He has seen service in all the difficult places with the exception of Indochina.
I've never seen anything quicker, with the possible exception of a she cobra.