Smith & Hawken, an exclusive garden tool catalogue, selected Cook's Garden as its seed supplier this year.
In general, any business directly involved in food production can be certified, including seed suppliers, farmers, [food] processors, retailers and restaurants.
He collected acorns from commercial seed suppliers in 1961 and 1962 and from the Melbourne Botanic Gardens in 1966.
This was set up to help in eliminating dishonest seed suppliers selling one seed as another, and to keep any one variety true.
But the seed suppliers, aware of this, include seed of a pollinating cucumber in the packet so all is well.
Seeds (achenes) are acquired either via commercial seed suppliers, or by collecting and saving them from the fruit.
Meanwhile, rural communities suffer because acreage cutbacks limit sales by agrichemical retailers, seed suppliers, tractor dealers and other Main Street businesses.
Even the modern-day traditional seed suppliers have taken this trend into consideration.
It was established in 1896 by Dr. Albert Edward McKenzie, and is now Canada's foremost seed supplier with 60% of the market.
Thompson and Morgan, a leading plant and seed supplier, has also withdrawn the hanging basket favourite from sale.