This smoky, seedy, rather scary place was not his cup of tea.
Isn't this seedy place a comedown for these supposed aristocrats?
If not for heart and imagination, the world of fiction would be a pretty seedy place.
While a few factories were converted into artists' lofts over the last two decades, it remained a seedy place.
Strange-fellows is a seedy place, bordering on sleazy, with good booze, bad service, and really distressing bar snacks.
It told the cab to take it to the downtown Hilton, but paid attention for the last mile, looking for a more seedy place.
That face lift has changed the area from a seedy place through which grown men walked in fear to a Disney outlet.
"The novel mingles rich, sensuous imagery with descriptions of grotesque characters and seedy places."
Then, because of perceptions that Times Square was a seedy, perilous place, there was a buyer's market for signs.
It seemed a dead, seedy place now, peopled by hangers-on and time-wasters.