Everyone agrees that the seedy strip needs a makeover, but visions of its future differ.
Where Night Owls Gather Sate your late-night cravings with a stroll around the corner to South Street, a pulsating, slightly seedy strip of bars, nightclubs and tattoo parlors.
By early 1996, they were set to sign a 10-year lease when the neighborhood started buzzing with the arrival of Disney and its big plans for the seedy strip.
At the corner of Broadway and 138th Street, a seedy strip littered with crack vials, the limousine glides to a stop near a big blue motor home parked at the curb.
The fire was located on a seedy strip on the western fringes of the University of Pennsylvania.
Rapid Gentrification Columbus Avenue was, for most of this century, a seedy strip of tenements, plumbing-supply houses, coin laundries and shoe-repair shops.