The ruling was praised by the video game industry, who had expected the law to be ruled unconstitutional, but sought affirmation by the Court.
In subtle ways, he seeks praise and affirmation from those he knows it's safe to trust.
But few people actually wander around their house or apartment actively seeking affirmation.
It can take the form of procrastination when used to postpone tasks and self-deprecation when used to excuse poor performance or to seek sympathy and affirmation from other people.
"Look," he said to me, seeking affirmation by lowering his shiny pink dome.
Straight A female students can often be seeking outward affirmation and the pressure they put upon themselves to perform may not always be for healthy reasons.
After all, investing is an arena filled with uncertainty; it's only natural for people to seek approval and affirmation in such an environment.
Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule state that subjective knowers often block out conflicting opinions of others, but may seek the support and affirmation of those in agreement.
For those who seek wider affirmation of their relationship, there's always the scoreboard at Yankee Stadium, which flashes at least one such announcement a game and sometimes up to five.