American has 30 days to negotiate a compromise, seek arbitration or take legal action.
The authority is seeking arbitration of the dispute with the city.
That gave Reynolds the right to seek outside arbitration, which he won, although in pyhrric fashion.
Not yet a free agent, Bonds had sought arbitration.
For the next five years, the state-appointed board itself will have the power to set labor contracts without seeking arbitration.
The decision of the board is final, which means Harding would not have an opportunity to seek arbitration if she were removed from the team.
Negotiations are under way in 60 districts, which can reach accords or seek arbitration.
The employer may put the change in place, and the union's recourse is essentially limited to seeking arbitration.
If the world governing body disagrees with yesterday's ruling, it can seek arbitration.
The board's decisions are final, which means that Harding would not be able to seek independent arbitration if she were removed from the team.