Long believed not to have sought baptism, there is now evidence, including a claim from a priest who knew her, that she was baptized shortly before her death.
My back creeps to think of it, for they say that the unhallowed babe walks too, and gibbers round the font seeking baptism --ugh!
When Ms. Cruz's sister, Carmen Rodriguez, sought baptism at the age of 18 in the early 1960's, she recalled, a priest instructed her to memorize the answers in a catechism.
Religion is booming, and many adults brought up under Communism are seeking baptism.
In 1609, several Indian chiefs sought baptism at St. Augustine.
Durrett applied to the local Baptist association for ordination, accompanied by numerous people seeking baptism.
In about 367, according to Theodoret, Domnica convinced Valens to seek baptism from Eudoxius of Antioch, Archbishop of Constantinople.
Of particular importance today, it was agreed, was what the Church's attitude should be to non Mass-going parents seeking baptism for their child.
That same day, Lwanga sought baptism as a Catholic by a missionary priest.
A self-proclaimed atheist as a very young man, Merton underwent a transformation in his 20's, seeking baptism as a Catholic and soon deciding to become a Cisterian monk.