Lewsham looked toward The Shadow as he spoke, as if seeking corroboration from a keen brain like Cranston's.
The Democrats called the delay a significant setback to Mr. Bolton's prospects, providing opponents with time to seek corroboration for the accusations made since he appeared before the committee a week ago.
At that time, you may, if you wish, seek corroboration from the off-worlder M'tras as to Gherein's complicity in these affairs.
It said that Merrill asked Mr. Bell about them, but did not seek corroboration of the false answers he gave.
Investigators are seeking corroboration of accounts of Ms. Lewinsky's relationship with the President.
The officials said investigators were continuing to seek corroboration of Mr. Scully's statements.
Nayre gave Murk an almost contemptuous glance and turned to the others, as though seeking corroboration.
I came seeking corroboration for Jesus, and I walked away with a rich reservoir of material affirming every major aspect of his life, miracles, deity, and victory over death.
The decision to then ask Ms. Tripp and Ms. Lewinsky to wear a wire to seek corroboration (or the lack of it) was a legitimate response.
Once or twice Barbara Coleman sought corroboration of a point from Rain or Cobalt but otherwise not one of the onlookers dared to speak.