Some German officials say the organization, which surfaced here around 1970, seeks worldwide dominance.
While dogs tend to be submissive, cats seek dominance - having the "upper paw."
In his dealings with women, he will seek dominance and appear to be a very controlling individual.
As it gained ground, the Free Press - with about half the market - decided to seek dominance.
But the recent research has found the same differences in men who seek social dominance in normal realms of life.
In roleplaying situations, authoritarians tend to seek dominance over others by being competitive and destructive instead of cooperative.
Instead of keeping in harmony with the dragons of nature, engineers sought dominance.
The Iron Masters seek dominance over nothing save metal and fire.
Man seeks dominance over woman by appropriating her symbol of strength, the fish.
Both papers were seeking dominance and taking big losses, he said, "in the belief that failure too had its reward."