There, a doctor grills you about your medications, in part to make sure that you're a legitimate pain patient, not someone seeking drugs.
Should one seek drugs which will stop the disease, and, if so, what strategy should guide the search?
The recording process for the album became difficult as Kiedis would often disappear to seek drugs.
It is not uncommon to see wheelchair users rolling down the path in front of the cafe, seeking drugs inside.
The people seeking drugs should be required to go through screening and counseling in which the negative effects of drug use are delineated.
Justice Department studies have shown that a majority of violent crimes are committed by people already intoxicated - not by those seeking drugs.
Seeking drugs, most likely, or her small reserve of petty cash.
The recording process for the album was difficult; Kiedis would frequently disappear to seek drugs.
The police said the three, as well as a companion who was beaten up, appeared to be seeking drugs.
How can you ensure that your child's own sleep patterns don't cause her to seek drugs?