Shy because of a stutter, Wilson sought fulfillment in music.
Those seeking intellectual fulfillment can look to the Internet.
He remains oblivious to her interest, instead seeking fulfillment by indulging in curry.
That is the problem with seeking fulfillment through one's skills in meeting the Guild's needs.
At the same time, women, advancing their individualism and seeking fulfillment, isolate themselves from the needs of others.
New Wine seek fulfillment of the vision through the following key areas:
Growing numbers of retired Americans are returning to work, seeking personal fulfillment and some extra cash.
Women's liberation taught young women to seek fulfillment in paid employment instead of as wives and mothers.
Like Nate, he did not seek danger, risk, or fulfillment by testing his mettle against nature.
The shortage comes as more Americans are seeking spiritual fulfillment, many of them in traditional religions.