He subsequently sought legal guardianship of the child.
Mr. Short sought guardianship of Mrs. Klein.
In response to this decision, Betancourt's daughter went to court and sought legal guardianship of her father.
The aunt and her husband are now seeking legal guardianship for their nephew, but they said the complicated process is taking a long time to complete.
Ms. Quinn, who is considering seeking permanent guardianship of Opiyo, said she does not know what she will do with him when he gets out.
Going to court to seek guardianship could cost thousands of dollars better spent for aides and drugs.
But a transfer to special education was delayed by Ms. Green, who was seeking guardianship, the report shows.
Workman has filed a guardianship petition, seeking permanent guardianship over Winter.
They are grandparents seeking legal guardianship of a grandchild in need of life-saving surgery, or they are veterans returning from overseas and facing legal issues.
Mr. Klein went to court in January seeking guardianship of his wife so he could order the abortion.