Weak earnings reports and economic data that suggested the economy might be losing steam convinced some investors to sell stocks and seek safety in bonds.
That suggests investors may be trying to avoid further equity market turmoil by seeking a safe haven in bonds.
Investors jettisoned stocks as too risky and sought relative safety in bonds, sending share prices down sharply for much of the day.
The Russian equities market lost everything it had gained over a year this month as investors sought security in cash and bonds.
Treasury securities traded mostly higher in an abbreviated session yesterday, as a decline in stocks led nervous investors to seek safety in bonds.
The governor is also seeking $2 billion in tax-free bonds, tax incentives and grants to encourage companies to stay and rebuild in Lower Manhattan.
Money has to flow somewhere and there are few alternatives for pension fund managers who seek safety solely in bonds with a top-notch rating.
The recent decline in rates resulted from the stock market's fall late last month, which prompted many investors to seek shelter in bonds.
It was the busiest day since many investors fled the stock market in late October, seeking a safe haven in bonds.
Money is flowing out of the country as savers seek safe haven in foreign banks and foreign bonds.