As part of the charges, the government will seek forfeiture of $66 million in cash and real estate from Mr. Skilling.
Then again, maybe the public should seek payment in kind as well as in cash, as Reed Hundt, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, has implied.
The organizations started by Bhai Trilochan Singh Veerji are all nonprofit, voluntary, seek no donations in cash, and are only for the benefit of society, humankind and nature.
The Russian equities market lost everything it had gained over a year this month as investors sought security in cash and bonds.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani plans to seek $150 million in cash from the state's Municipal Assistance Corporation to help close a gap in this year's budget, turning once again to the agency created 20 years ago to help New York City avert bankruptcy, senior officials said yesterday.
Hedge funds can seek safety in cash; many mutual funds, by contrast, are required to keep a certain portion of assets invested at all times.
At least initially, the New York Stock Exchange sought more than $400 million in cash and $300 million in tax breaks, people on both sides of the negotiations have said.
But they seek payment in cash, without deductions, from small farmers and people who give them part-time jobs.
If the group were successful in gaining 51 percent, the rest would be sought in one or more additional transactions, also at $105 a share, in cash.