Mr. Ames and his wife are both presumed to be seeking leniency, lawyers say.
Officials said someone with one of the badges could seek leniency by showing it to a police officer if stopped for a traffic violation.
In exchange, prosecutors are expected to seek leniency for him in court, but the officials said they did not know the details of the agreement.
Federal prosecutors in New Jersey are also expected to seek leniency at sentencing.
The defense sought leniency based on Libby's record of public service.
Seeking leniency, he told Federal prosecutors of possible bid-rigging by authority employees and other companies, officials said.
Mr. Shargel, as did the other defense lawyers, sought leniency for his client.
Seeking leniency, he unintentionally implicated himself and later confessed to killing the 12-year-old girl, the police said.
As of December 14, 2006, the court received 172 letters from citizens seeking leniency.
Mr. Biegen's statements came as he sought leniency from prosecutors.