But today, the President addressed the tumultuous tug-of-war in the Soviet Union between the hard-liners and those seeking liberalization.
One, they should seek liberalization by developed countries in sectors in which they have comparative advantage.
Mr. Yeutter argued that rice farmers had a much better chance of getting positive results by seeking liberalization under the Uruguay Round than by engaging in confrontation with Japan now.
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here, to this gate.
The Puławian faction - the name comes from the Puławska Street in Warsaw, on which many of the members lived - sought great liberalization of socialism in Poland.
The United States, with its strength in high-technology industries, in such services as finance and construction, and in agriculture, is seeking liberalization in these sectors as a way to increase exports and redress a gaping trade deficit.
Mrs. Casselman received numerous awards for her work seeking liberalization of immigration laws.
They have consistently argued that cutting off weapons to the contras would encourage them to test stopping their war and seeking significant political liberalization in Nicaragua - a hard task that still lies ahead.
Internationally, we should encourage unions, newspapers, political parties, professional societies and religious groups to seek liberalization.
The United States is seeking liberalization of trade in banking, financial and other services.