One indictment accuses him of seeking payoffs from companies doing business with state boards, another with fraud in his business dealings.
As of June 2011, a number of these companies, including Texas Instruments, Oracle and JPMorgan Chase have signed licensing deals with Eolas, while the company continues to seek payoffs from others.
Previous board members had been repeatedly accused of trading jobs for political favors, seeking payoffs and putting relatives on the payroll.
They are not accused of seeking payoffs or trying to rob drug dealers or trying to protect gang members.
Some city inspectors also are suspected of seeking payoffs from representatives of building owners to speed up paperwork certifying that repairs had been completed, the officials said.
The article described, among other things, how board members traded jobs for poltical favors, sought payoffs, put relatives on the payroll and permitted the looting of school supplies.
Leaders of the new "national unity" Government are promising nothing less than a complete overhaul, including privatizing several inefficient Government agencies and attacking the dominant Colorado Party's well-oiled apparatus, which is said to seek payoffs from smugglers and drug traffickers.
REGIONAL B1-5 Members of a Bronx school board turned a district into an enterprise for patronage and profit by trading jobs for favors, seeking payoffs, putting relatives on the payroll and allowing looting, an investigation shows.
The indictment charged that since 1990, he had sought and received payoffs from the indicted officials of the Council of Jewish Organizations of Borough Park in return for obtaining hundreds of thousands of dollars in state funds for the group and its affiliates.
The Alum Cave and Rainbow Falls trails in particular tend to become overcrowded with visitors seeking rewarding payoffs just a few miles into the trails.