The mall is seeking permits for a 440,000- square-foot addition to its existing 900,000 square feet.
And within 30 days of Ms. Oliver's arrival, producers were able to seek permits online.
In 1985, the Sports Authority considered seeking permits for a parking lot in the area, but did not follow through.
The developers would also have to seek permits from the D.E.P.
Already, many large retailers are seeking special permits that would exempt them from current land-use restrictions.
The Parks Department says there has been an explosion of leagues seeking permits.
They also make contact with the relevant universities or botanic institutes abroad and seek permits from various government bodies.
The case is pending, even as the company installs pollution control gear and seeks permits.
Many Jews were desperately seeking permits and visas to escape their beleaguered country.
Detailed architectural plans are now being drawn, and the process of seeking necessary permits has begun.